This Privacy Policy serves to explain to you what information we collect about you and how we use that information, as well as to provide you with any other relevant information regarding your information and regarding searching and leaving comments on our site:
On the “SEMBER CUISINE” portal, as part of the function of leaving comments on news on the site, “SEMBER CUISINE” allows users to leave comments on news on the site with content that they define themselves and under a pseudonym name that they determine.
Therefore, in terms of leaving comments, in accordance with your right to freedom of research, you choose which ones and whether you will make your personal data available to the public and whether we will have your personal data at all. In addition to this information regarding the comments that you make public on our portal, the time and date of the comment as well as the IP address from which the comment was posted are recorded.
All information provided is collected solely for the purpose of enabling us to search our site and leave comments on the news.
By accessing the site and leaving comments, you accept the Terms of Use as well as this Privacy Policy, which are displayed on the site itself.
In addition, we process your data based on our legitimate interest in order to detect and eliminate errors and technical problems that may arise in connection with the site search. We may also process your data on the same basis in the event of possible misuse of the account as well as the prevention of the same in the comments.
This includes blocking comments that violate our Terms of Use and relevant laws. Finally, we may disclose or share your information with certain government agencies if required to do so by law. We may also disclose them on the basis of a lawful, written, judicial or other decision of a state body which, on the basis of relevant regulations, may enable access to personal data.
In order to enable you to use the site without hindrance, we cooperate with individual business partners. They can place their advertisements – advertisements or their clients with whom they have contracts, and you voluntarily decide whether to click on the advertisement and visit that site.
In connection with your comments, we keep only certain information, which we are obliged to keep under the law during the period prescribed by it as a minimum retention period. However, the text of the comment remains preserved in the online news archive together with the text of the news.
There are no third-party cookies on our site, which you would have to specifically accept and give them any additional permissions, and we are safer and more reliable in this regard than most other portals.
At any time, if you deem it necessary, you can lodge a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data with the national personal data protection bodies in your country.
The “SEMBER CUISINE” portal reserves the right to change or modify this Policy. We can inform users about important changes and additions by e-mail or by publishing them on the portal. By using any content on the “SEMBER CUISINE” portal, it is considered that you are familiar with the latest rules on terms of use and privacy policy.
This privacy policy takes effect on 01.01.2021.


Ova Politika privatnosti služi da vam objasni koje podatke prikupljamo o vama i kako koristimo te podatke, kao i da vam pružimo sve druge bitne informacije u vezi sa vašim podacima a u vezi pretraživanja i ostavljanja komentara na našem sajtu :


Na portalu “SEMBERSKA KUHINJA” u okviru funkcije ostavljanja komentara na vesti na sajtu, “SEMBERSKA KUHINJA” omogucava korisnicima da ostave komentare na vesti na sajtu sa sadržajem koji sami definišu kao i pod imenom-pseudonimom koji sami odreduju.

Stoga u vezi ostavljanja komentara, u skladu sa vašim pravom na slobodu istraživanja, vi sami birate koje cete i da li cete vaše licne podatke uciniti dostupnim javnosti i da li cemo mi uopšte imati vaše licne podatke. Pored tih informacija u vezi sa komentarima koje vi ucinite javnim na našem portalu, beleži se i vreme i datum komentara kao i IP adresa sa koje je komentar postavljen.

Svi navedeni podaci prikupljaju se iskljucivo u svrhu omogucavanja pretraživanja našeg sajta i ostavljanja komentara na vesti.

Samim pristupom sajtu i ostavljanjem komentara vi prihvatate Pravila korišcenja kao i ovu Politiku privatnosti, koji su istaknuti na samom sajtu.

Pored toga, vaše podatke obrađujemo na osnovu našeg Legitimnog interesa da bismo otkrili i uklonili greške i tehnicke probleme koji se mogu javiti u vezi sa pretraživanjem sajta. Takode vaše podatke po istom osnovu možemo obradivati i u slucaju eventualnih zloupotreba naloga kao i sprecavanja istih na komentarima.

Ovo ukljucuje i blokiranje komentara koji krše naše Pravila korišcenja i relevantne zakonske propise. Na kraju vaše podatke možemo otkriti ili podeliti sa odredenim državnim organima ako se to od nas zahteva na osnovu zakona. Takode iste možemo otkriti i na osnovu na zakonu utemeljene, pisane, sudske ili druge odluke državnog organa kojom se na osnovu relevantnih propisa može omoguciti uvid u Licne podatke.

Kako bi vam omogucili neometano korišcenje sajta mi saradujemo sa pojedinim poslovnim partnerima. Oni mogu postavljati svoje reklame – oglase ili svojih klijenata sa kojima imaju ugovore a vi svojevoljno odlučujete da li ćete klikom na reklamu posjetiti i tu web lokaciju.

U vezi sa vašim komentarima čuvamo samo odredene informacije, koje smo dužni da cuvamo na osnovu zakona tokom perioda koji je istim propisan kao minimalan period zadržavanja. S tim što tekst komentara ostaje sacuvan u online arhivi vesti zajedno sa tekstom vesti.

Na našem sajtu ne nalaze se kolacici trećih lica, koje biste morali posebno prihvatati i davati im bilo kakve dodatne dozvole te smo u tom pogledu sigurniji i pouzdaniji od većine drugih portala.

U svakom trenutku ako smatrate da je potrebno, možete uložiti prigovor u vezi sa obradom vaših licnih podataka, nacionalnim telima za zaštitu licnih podataka u vašoj zemlji.

“SEMBERSKA KUHINJA” portal zadržava pravo da promeni ili modifikuje ovu Politiku. O važnim promenama i dopunama možemo obavestiti korisnike putem e-maila ili objavljivanjem na portalu. Korišcenjem bilo kog sadržaja na “SEMBERSKA KUHINJA” portalu smatra se da ste upoznati sa najnovijim pravilima o uslovima korišcenja kao i politici privatnosti.

Ova politika privatnosti stupa na snagu 01.01.2021.

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